Keplerus is the result of careful studies and experience collected in the specific area of the wall unit. It is appropriated for the most different uses finding its natural applicarions in offices, exhibitions, laboratories, schools, meeting rooms, hospital, …
The structure of the wall has been realized with rough aluminum extrusion extruded, sized for great heights or lenghts, accurately shaped and lacking of sharp edge.
The large versatility of the wall has been demonstrated hanging on the blind pileup coated with tense tissue, varnishes, reassembled, plastic laminant, varied wood extracts, such as the transparent part of it, printed glass, coloured, serigraphed, etc…
Solutions perfectly adapted to every kind of need, both technical and architectural.
Every detail is provided and studied in the minimal particulars to semplify at best the solution of the several environment adaptation problems and with a particular attention to the aesthetic taste.